insidious utterances of the grim witch no.1

a dead, lifeless face, ripe with basic dishonesty, stares into the camera, as if a dismal puppet, or marionette for the depraved… we will support brutal dictators the world over…… we will sell arms to them, help bolster their oppressive regimes…..

we will turn our backs on our peaceful neighbours and help create new borders where they had previously be broken down……. her nasty countenance twists and contorts as she spills her evil and lies like foul bile being purged from her twisted and contorted guts…

we will help spread racism, bigotry and xenophobia…….. we will crush public healthcare, transport and education……. we will make sure that not one britain ever learns a second language or sees themselves as equal to the rest of the world……….

we will sodomise the heads of dead pigs and writhe in the blood of sacrificial children, we will completely dismantle any last traces of what could once be described as civilisation, culture, or even hope……..

……….she fixes her gaze one last time on the lens and stares, her elongated death stare, her lifeless, poisoned insect smile, insidious, sinister, evil…….
