research outpost dissonance no.4

distorted outpost transmissions coming in… malignant sound-forms moaning through a white-noise-side-chain frenzy… grim rattlings within the submerged silos, whisperings along silent bunker corridors… piss and blood congeal in the outpost gutters…emergency protocol manual pages unbound and burning…

upon the stale static air drift thick psychotropic dream-states… dust-storms lash the surface, tempestuous skies; cable-cracklings of the radio towers… idiot hands of the radioactive boys grapple at the core melt reality… dead eyes staring into the pit… fever dream in the microbial-virus factory… razor-blade girls slice product in the fluorescent night…

despair-surrender, terror superb… from isolated outposts come dissonant scream oscillations… discarded tools… decoded damaged DNA… the rusting blown-out guts of morbid-industry… ghosts talking in tongues over the portable field-sets… fear of outside, fear within… thunderstorms loom above the drained lake as the darkness debases; devours…
