geometry of a mid-town intersection no.3

sepia image tracks bleeding out across a blast-wall frame… white-noise and static over the field radio… impossible hymns in diseased throats echoing out along shattered glass corridors, down polluted streets; climbing above tower-blocks looming over the slowly decaying industrial district… a match-head ignites at one thousand frames per second…

dismal gloom, and a hazy chemical sky hanging thick above the geometry of a mid-town intersection… a drone camera circles the scene, detailing the unfolding complexities… merciless falsehoods of the tabloid news press spilling over into a storm-drain… a series of blurry 35mm shots blown-up across a bombed-out mall; misery and starvation…

vagaries of the street-corner architecture, complex measurements amidst the fractured landscape snap-shot. slow polaroid exposures framing burnt-out bodegas and cop cars… grid networks undulating, intertwining; steadily burning across the map. we set up camp on the roof of an abandoned police precinct overlooking an empty parking lot…
