base camp vantage point thought saturations no.2

morning prayer and holy water purification; futile ritual motions in the radioactive field…  frozen omens in an endless nuclear winter… dead eyes staring out into the steppe, fever dreams; flickering lights on the consoles long since fused and gone out… slow imbalances shroud conjurings in the long cold…

rogue drones whine hopelessly lost in the chemical heavens, casting blurry shadows over the myriad demolished cities of the western lands… recruitment posters hosed in bodily fluids, smartphones piled-up by the thousand; hammer-smashed… gold and nickel, magnesium and iron…

base camp vantage point thought saturation… ever-receding dissonant resonance signals going granular… dark portent, grim knowing… notebooks filled with slowly mutating equations… unworkable geometry of the brave new world… standardised procedures dead in disconnected head-sets…

a broken promise through a long stare in the half-light…depopulation, fire-bombing… citizens reduced to shadows down blast-wall corridors… empty beds, shattered windows, our breath in the air as we boil the remaining rations… board member mahogany tables in flames…
