Author: jamesreindeer
news reports from the CNNWTZ safehouse : photographic evidence of video production
…a flickering white noise creeping across the screen… whirring and clicking of the film projectors… digital transmission breaks up over a satellite link… reports coming in of video production activities in PLGWTZ in the last days…
…codename ‘description of a struggle’, coordinated by the almighty Arvid Wünsch and facilitated by the legendary Eaia, bankrolled by the magnificent Anette Records… moving-frame-evidence coming this spring…
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 098
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 097
trump after inauguration no.4
sweden! …a thousand white piece-of-shit beer guts in baseball caps grunt and cheer… a duped mark is wheeled up onstage, all out of breath and out of time, freshly printed propaganda shirt… make amurikkka the ultimate police state again… a fallen star is born, mayhem and gang-rape in the aisles… 2% beer, corn dogs and foot long sandwiches of raw human waste…
this administration is running like a smoothly-operated death machine… IBM computers calculating KZ throughput as guards draped in finest hugo boss sip from their fanta bottles, reading fuchs news telling of great progress on the mighty wall… a hundred thousand mexicans flogged half to death and then brutally drowned in holy waters of the rio grande… boots in backs, tears in eyes…
watch him grab her aggressively by the pussy and leer close into her face… tangerine grimace, oily saliva, licking his lips, breathing through his nose… tiny shrivelled white piece-of-shit cock in his satin draws… aching cocaine uselessness and empty, soul-less sorrow… protracted octopus handshakes ensnaring their disgusted prey… being pulled into the vile slab of amber flesh and idiot stupidity… bleached grin of the bloated ignorance demon…
the world is a mess… the world is an angry place… mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities… rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape… the world is as angry as it gets… and from this day forward it is going to be amurikka first… we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries… and we will be protected by god… a hundred thousand severed hands and feet form of mountain of flesh, soon to rot under a chemical sun…