replacing the idle hour with the corporate regime, taking the human out of humanity… marketing and advertising, invisible indoctrination, a band of ogilvy’s parade alongside feminist torches of freedom, pressed white shirts, eye patches; edward bernay’s chuckling from his celebrity booth…
we are here to replace raw existence with political games… make every resource a number or a debt… choke on our fingers, writhe in the blood of the lamb… taste of the corporate body and drink the economic eucharist wine, make the world your adversary… let your policies do the talking…
we will sanitise and synthesise… plans laid-out over the finest rosewood and mahogany boardroom tables… bloated pieces-of-white-shit, tailored in hugo boss sign white papers and fantasise of young girls and younger boys; preach moralistic agendas and try to coerce reality according to the revelations…
cop cars patrolling; thugs with shiny badges and guns, ready to murder, execute and torture on the drop of a dime… patrolling city blocks like vultures or carrion crows… pools of blood along worn sidewalks… we aim to take the civil out of civilisation… turn every person into a code without a name…
burning oil rigs pour plumes of black smoke columns into the endless night, endless radioactive materials spilling into the oceans… we side-line the mind for the digital program… rape and pillage, pollute and desecrate… eat it, shoot it, kill it… sell, sell, sell… fuck ’em all then go to hell….