Author: jamesreindeer
desert sand serenades in blown-out monochrome no.3
girls cut their tender hearts on sharp desert roses… crimson-pools forming across the burning dunes… deep in the saturated image field, fathers grieve in rituals of loss and regret… weeping into the barren dirt, gazing long over the aching bed of the dry lake…
the sunlight serenades the blood-thirsty earth… children draw their imaginations in the shifting dust… black snakes etch verse across the glinting vistas… out here all is delirium, pieces of living strangled then drowned; the looming darkness will make it easier to die…
lifeless wadi, dirt road; slaked in petrochemicals… pump-jacks wince in the amoebic dusk… fire temples, rusting silos, open graves, buried vaults beneath the ground… and as the blazing sun sinks behind the chemical sky only crippled dreams are left betwixt shadow and flame…
camp-fire ceremonies, feral incantations; lovers intertwined as the sky serenades the stars that never came… here they lie together in blown-out monochrome, in a desert strewn with death… inside the word and moment, tone poem utterances whispered; gazing long into the burning embers…
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 035
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 034
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 033
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 032
black monoliths over new jerusalem no.5
see the pale-faced boys amongst the rubble, filled with dying, devoid of joy… idiot boys lingering in the shadows, teeth dipped in venom; licking their wounds and talking of genocide… lingering there in grim despair… toys of systematic decay…
wordless boys with crippled spines, torn from plastic dolly limbs; nauseous, thirsty, all alone… adrift amidst the ruins, the black, greasy belly of the dead city heaving with rot and misery… broken-babies scar the burning earth…
haunted pedestrians under a crescent moon, hanging like a jagged blade; rusted and poised to cleave at the ruins… dirtied, bloodied, broke, stillborn; ragged hands rifle through the remains of lost, discarded generations…
dust and debris greying the skyline, black monoliths hang voidal in their murkiest repose… all foetal-reasoning lost at birth… in glass-shard towers they crawl home; adrift in chemical lullaby… visions of new jerusalem…
image reports from CNNWTZ – no. 031
research outpost dissonance no.3
fever dream in the microbial-virus factory… machine malfunction dystrophy; the rusting blown-out guts of morbid-industry… white noise over the intercoms, ghosts talking in tongues over the portable field-sets… piss and blood congeal in the outpost gutters…
emergency protocol manual pages unbound and burning… idiot hands grapple at the core melt reality… china syndrome… plasterboard containment fields in flames, dead eyes stare into the pit… upon the static air float thick-fluorescent dreams…
tempestuous skies and electrical storms loom above the drained lake, burning the firmament… a faint rattling of the window shutters, a whispering along silent bunker corridors… cable-cracklings of the radio towers… dust-storms darkness, debases, devours…