insect void delta no.1

Tracking Station NIP-10

poisoned-lagoon firefight ceremony…  dusk by warpaint camouflage… insect void delta… slit throats bleed out across carved chests as the blood-orange-sun slithers behind the treeline; sliced by jagged foliage… makeshift graves filling with stagnant waters…

a series of polaroids in flames… white noise over the tannoy… narco-gangs roam beyond the check-points, machete men; la migra… black-lung sky burial desert installation… the road extends out into the horizon, shimmering in the already blazing heat of the morning sun…

mandible and head, thorax and abdomen… field hospital vivisection… paranoid hallucinations of external morphology… waking nightmares as the medication begins to run dry… cold sweats, and fever-dreams… congregations talking in tongues as the moon looms over the drained lake…

‘…god’s tentacles of lucid terror, duplicitous ten-tonne multi-error, reaching out to babes in arms, with promise, verse and firearms…’


spinal landscapes no.2


darkest shadows creep steadily in the morning light as the dogs howl down dusty alleyways… desert sands and the spinal landscape… sun-baked grains assimilating petrified carcasses of bomber fleets left to decay amidst the eternal radiation fields… street-corner apparitions crawling along wounded blocks…

head of centipede… yellow nails scratch after pale girls… marks of vaccination… sordid papers reek of hate speech and arsenic… wading waist-deep out into the poisonous ichor… throne room agony, stolen land, offerings at the foot of the despot… sound of the film-reel flickering…

drained lake… silhouetted cranes… poisoned reservoir… faint outline of the water tower… gasoline trail wadi immolation sequence… drainage channel campfire ceremony…  bride of the desert, valley of the tombs… there is a tape recorder inside the sun…

black tea, long-wave radio… broken voices crackling over the failing headset… coal plant, steel mill, factory furnace and rail-road… a dust-bowl tomb for a weeping widow slaked with dismal ash-clouds… dissonance fields reflecting… a billboard reads ‘starvation and hopelessness…’


fear rituals from the 49th parallel no.3


a chemical sky blankets the city as a blazing sun hangs buried in a discoloured heavens… a campfire flickers, illuminating the treeline as a series of effigies steadily sink betwixt the diseased mangroves… masked incantations in moon-menageries of hell… guard-towers vowing to reach up through the smog…

grain elevators in flames… a ruined pavilion reveals a wind-shattered dream… abandoned train-lines ache, rusted and lost… landscapes alive with burning tyres, burning flowers, burning fields… factory smoke stacks hang dormant above empty lots, project housing, school-yards, gas-stations…

riot shields, blast walls, tear gas… a lone generator moans and reverberates in a sunken outhouse as an oil drum fire flickers and spits… a camera flies high above all the ruined cities of the western lands… pages unbound, and burning… a sentence ignites, enraptured in mid-air… here are litanies of fear from the 49th parallel…



by the bitter lake we sat down and wept… no.3


here, outside the demilitarised zone… watch the falling-blistered girls die alone… closed checkpoint birth sequence… frozen eye infinity gaze… vacant broken women… hounded tombs of sodomised sin… temporary male-wreck salvation… intermittent seed-excavation… neon-sexed lipsticked radiation…

fields of fire engulfed in meaningless pillage… spent artillery, rocket fire, undusted mirrors… here little girls are the tomb, womb; ecstasy-pillars… ‘get them!’ shriek the dirty boys… wild boys, idiot boys… they make cold catacombs warm and wet… they won’t let the metal weeds forget…

beyond rotting carcass scattered far… whoring their way out of heaven… watch how the women open and fall… sucking death-licked number ‘six six seven’ against the ivy-coated nuclear wall… advising the householder on protection… battleground, burial ground, self-harm; terror and oppression…
