insect void delta no.1

Tracking Station NIP-10

poisoned-lagoon firefight ceremony…  dusk by warpaint camouflage… insect void delta… slit throats bleed out across carved chests as the blood-orange-sun slithers behind the treeline; sliced by jagged foliage… makeshift graves filling with stagnant waters…

a series of polaroids in flames… white noise over the tannoy… narco-gangs roam beyond the check-points, machete men; la migra… black-lung sky burial desert installation… the road extends out into the horizon, shimmering in the already blazing heat of the morning sun…

mandible and head, thorax and abdomen… field hospital vivisection… paranoid hallucinations of external morphology… waking nightmares as the medication begins to run dry… cold sweats, and fever-dreams… congregations talking in tongues as the moon looms over the drained lake…

‘…god’s tentacles of lucid terror, duplicitous ten-tonne multi-error, reaching out to babes in arms, with promise, verse and firearms…’
